So, it's the first post about game.
At first, I should say, that I'm not just started development. I work on it since summer 2019. But I had a laaaarge breaks, coz I'm student and I'm lazy.
So what do I have now?
Map generator!
I use cellular automaton cave generator with simple rule: cell type (floor or wall) is chosen according to it's neighbours. It works for 5 rounds and then connects caves into one big cave. You can read more about it in this article.
Yet just one type of simplest enemies: they are randomly spawn on their spawnpoints (that are instantiated in map-generating time), fly towards you and shoot, when you are too close. I use BFS algorithm to find path from enemy to player and let them go, when player in detection range.
On this screen you can see enemies (red-black ships), player ship (drawn by my friend), enemies path (red lines) and their current direction of movement (green lines)
A little bit chunky, but actually it works and I can load level created in it (yet only in code, but im working on it).
There is a little interface (do not confuse with Unity interface). I've implemented tab panel (because Unity doesn't have this tab panels by default), which has multiple tabs with different brushes in it. Button and InputField on the right side are to save created level into file.
That's all but I'm working on several new things. New post will be soon!
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